Computer blue screen error is also called the blue screen of death (BSOD). If you are reading this page, chances are you've had experience with this error. There are many reasons to PC blue screen error. The most common reason is damaged file system of Windows or hard disk. This page explains how to fix blue screen bug if your computer is running Windows XP.
Important.You need a little knowledge to take steps to correct the bluescreen of death error below .in case contrary to free this tool review and let the tool to correct the error.
The blue screen of death often occur when your computer starts, causing the PC is not usable.This means that your computer could not connect to partition boot (the container for all of your operating system and supporting files) due to a corrupted storage driver or a host of as of the problems.
Some working blue screen error messages provide the reason for the error .read the details after the STOP word in the error message.
Here are a few ways to resolve this error.
1. Turn off your computer, insert the Microsoft Windows XP, restart the computer and boot from the CD.
2. When the press any key to continue when prompted, press a key on your keyboard.
3. At this point, a Setup welcome screen should apparaître.NOT reinstallation of Windows XP at this time.To do this, press R to access the recovery console.A display list on your computer operating system if poster .type the number system that you use when the blue screen hangs started (most people have an operating system installed, so you will be in all likelihood, type 1).
4. At this stage, you will need to enter your administrateur.Entrez password password prompt screen with the C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\WINDOWS > and a blinking cursor to appear.
5. Type CHKDSK /R and press ENTER. SID.Please make that you include a space between the 'K', the slash inverse.Le meaning of this command is to check the disk and repair.
6 Disk check will be around 20 minutes to several hours to verify the integrity of your fichiers.lorsque system it is done, type exit and press enter SID.Please make you select the option to start normally as opposed to the CD when your computer restarts.
Your computer must not get the blue screen bug after restart of the it.
If you encounter blue screen bug in other areas except on startup you can use the CHKDSK command from Windows to correct the error just how.
? Go to the desktop.
? Right click the drive or disk that you want to scan (example c::.)
? From the menu that appears, click the last option properties.
?, click the second option tabs menu resulting ? tools.
? In the area of verification errors, click the button marked check now.
? A box appears allowing two different boxes: automatically fix file system errors or scan for and attempt recovery of défectueux.Cliquez on the two sectors.
? When of checking disk finishes, restart your computer.
If you had any corrupted files, checking the disk should have corrected les.Si you are still experiencing blue screen of death, at this point, you can perform a repair installation (note: If you have Windows XP).
Shut down your Windows XP PC.Insérez and restart (boot from the CD).
1 When the press any key to boot from CD message appears on your screen, press any key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD.
2. When you see the message for the installation of Windows XP now, press enter and then press entry is displayed on the Welcome to Setup screen.
3. Do not choose the option to press R to use the recovery console.
4. In the Windows XP license agreement window, press F8 to accept the license agreement.
5. Make sure that your current installation of Windows XP is selected in the box and press R to repair Windows XP.
6. Follow on-screen instructions to complete installation.
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